Prolong battery life
Many features in your device increase the demand on battery power and reduce the
battery lifetime. To save battery power, note the following:
Features that use Bluetooth coonectivity, or allowing such features to run in
the background while using other features, increase the demand on battery
power. Deactivate Bluetooth connectivity when you do not need it.
If you have selected
Packet data connection
When available
in the
connection settings, and there is no packet data coverage (GPRS), the device
periodically tries to establish a packet data connection. To prolong the
operating time of your device, select
Packet data connection
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If the signal strength of the cellular network varies much in your area, your
device must scan for the available network repeatedly. This increases the
demand on battery power.
The backlight of the display increases the demand on battery power. In the
display settings, you can adjust the display brightness and change the time-out
period after which the backlight is switched off. Select
Light time-out
Leaving applications running in the background increases the demand on
battery power. To access the applications you are not using, press and hold the
menu key, and select an application.